Day 16: Yell At A Skunk

Out on a night walk with my BFF Shlomo, I came across a sunk.

Not the actual skunk

Worried that the skunk was too close to us, I preceded calmly, hoping the skunk would keep to itself.

Then a switch went off inside of me as I remembered the challenge. I suddenly thought, “No, be brave! Do the uncomfortable thing.”

So, pushing through the discomfort, I went against my better instincts. I yelled mockingly, “Hey, Skunk!” The skunk stopped- startled, only a few feet away from me and Shlomo.

I froze. I didn’t know what the skunk was going to do. Was I about to get sprayed? In that moment, I felt completely alive.

Then the skunk went on its way.

What I Learned: Taking little risks can be very fun and invigorating. They can also be stupid! Luckily this one turned out ok.

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