I’ve been facilitating an ongoing game called Two Truths and A Dream at my local lucid dream meetup. Playing the game is not only a lot of fun, but also an effective lucid dreaming tool. You may be familiar with the original version, Two Truths And A Lie.
The basic idea of Two Truths and A Dream (TTAAD):
A player shares 3 dreamlike stories. Two of the stories really happened, but one was a dream. The audience has to guess which is the dream. Repeat for each player.
Why Play?
In my lucid dream meetup, we play Two Truths and A Dream (TTAAD) at each meeting. The game is a lot of fun, especially if you get creative with your stories. But more importantly, continuously playing TTAAD strengthens your lucid mindset.
Continuously playing Two Truths and A Dream strengthens your lucid mindset.
-This Blog Post
Throughout the week you’re looking for the dreamiest, funniest, weirdest etc. moments to share with the group. If you’re competitive, the thought of winning the game brings an extra boost of motivation to your lucid dream practice. I want to win! I want to share the best moments! Your lucid eye is focused and sharp all week.
I’ve found myself in strange situations where I thought, “this bizarre story will make a great TTAAD ‘truth’ moment.” Following that thought I reality check, because you earn points for reality checking to your TTAAD moments. But surprisingly, my reality check fails– it’s a dream! I only reality checked because I wanted more points in the game, not because I truly thought I was dreaming. Yet, unexpectedly found myself in a dream.
This is the beauty of TTAAD. It gives you an extra push to reality check when you otherwise might not. Leading to more lucid dreams.
Both the competition and communality of TDAAD make this game a unique tool to add to your lucid dream practice.
How to play Two Truths And A Dream
1. Instruct each player to think of three dreamy events.
Two events must have happened in real life. One event must be from a dream. Alternatively, instruct players to prepare stories over the days leading up to the game.
Story Examples:
- I was at a building where the staircase was wobbly. (Dream)
- I saw a man with 10ft long hair. (Real)
- A strange women on the train knew my name and told me I was dreaming. (Real)
2. One player tells their stories.
3. The rest of the players must guess which is the dream.
4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for all players
To be extra competitive, use the point system below.
Point system
1 Point x Each story you identify correctly as the dream.
1 Point x Each moment you reality checked to when they happened. Honor system.
1 Point If you got lucid from reality checking to your dream moment. Honor system.
The player with the most points wins.
Pro Tip: Use a score keeper like Keep The Score for your online meetups.

Getting Creative
You can be tricky with your descriptions of the events, as long as you don’t lie.
Let’s say you thought you saw your grandpa. But then realized, you were mistaken. It was actually your dad in weird lighting.
You can say: I saw my grandpa but then it was my dad.
It sounds like you’re saying your grandpa magically turned into your dad- super dreamy. But you’re not. You’re just describing what you experienced. It wasn’t your dad. But you saw your dad. The sentence is true. This was your experience.
I encourage you to get a group of dreamers together and play! Let me know if you do. If not, feel free to join the lucid dream meetup and attend our virtual meetups.