
Keeping track of my time is actually really draining. I wish there was a more friction less way of tracking my time. I’m going to try stopping tracking right now at 12:04pm. It could just be that I’m drained by my sub optimal biometrics today.*

Problems With Manually Time Tracking:

The data isn’t organized so I’m not really reviewing the data.

Tracking my time helps me focus. However, there is an unintended consequence. Focused time is easy to track. But because of my tracking, I’m avoiding doing activities that are difficult to track. For example, it’s draining to keep mental note of all the activities I’m doing during explorative, unfocused session of time. 

These explorative blocks of time are important. It’s when our lateral creative thinking happens. 

To improve the time tracking, I need to allow for explorative unfocused time. If the tracking process was more automatic, that would help.

I also need to DO something with the data. I’m not going to review it if it’s just a list of items. And I’m not going to be excited about tracking if I’m not looking forward to reviewing it.

When I track my food intake, I’m always excited to see perfect micro nutrient scores. I look forward to reviewing the data. Which keeps me motivated to track my food consumption.


Using an automated service like RescueTime might help me.

A blog post with more ideas on time tracking: Time Tracking Tutorial with suggestions on how to connect other app to RescueTime

I’d also like to always have a widget on my website that says what I’m doing right now. I have no respect for my own privacy.

Time Tracking

8:17-11:09: breakfast, walk to post office and back to mail eBay stuff

11:09-11:29: meal plan for the day

11:29-11:40: Bathroom and read about period and nutrition, get ready to work

11:40-11:56: blog and post to linked in

I stoped tracking my time here.

*Turns out I had a low grade fever, which I didn’t realize at the time of writing. My biology probably played a bigger role in the mental drain than I thought.

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